prof. Yuko Nakama Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto

Professor of art history at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto. Her research focuses on German Romanticism, Japanese traditional and modern art, the comparative aesthetics of landscape. The publications include Caspar David Friedrich und die Romantische Tradition, Berlin, 2011; The Perception of Nature – Construction of Landscape. Global Perspectives, (ed.), Tokyo, 2014; Aesthetics and Landscape: Crystallization of Nature Images, International Yearbook of Aesthetics, Krakow, 2014; The aesthetics of nature in Japanese art and its historical development, “Journal of Zhengzhou University”, 2015. Invited lectures at Erlangen University, Bologna University, Peking University, Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin, National Palace Museum, Taipei, etc. She is a member of the committee of Japanese Society of Aesthetics, the advisory committee of “Art in Translation” (Getty Foundation, USA) and the editorial board of “kritikè-rivista di letteratura artistica e metodologia” (Italy).