Daniel Rumiancew

An author of performances, videos, photographs, installations and art objects. He studied Philosophy and Sociology at the Warsaw University and Multimedia Communication at the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań. In his early works he was interested in identity of the person within the context of gender (performativity of gender identity, processual nature of subjectivity). Currently, he is more focused on social and political issues. He puts special emphasis on marginalized and underestimated labour and its relation with economy (informal care, cottage work, craft work). Public space or, even more precisely, users’ responsibility for given public space, is one of the most important aspects of Rumiancew’s art. In his works, he is constantly negotiating and asking whether it is possible to be ironic and involved at the same time. Rumiancew often creates visual paradoxes, for example in pieces presented during the exhibition: digitally modified landscapes, which at first sight may seem like a work of pure aesthetic. He lives in Warsaw and works in Collegium of Art Education at The Maria Grzegorzewska University.