Monika Masłoń

She is a graduate of the Włodziemierz Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź. She completed her diploma in 2008 in the Photography Studio under the supervision of Prof. Grzegorz Przyborek and in the Photography and Video Image Studio run by Prof. Konrad Kuzyszyn. In the years 2011-2016 she was a student of doctoral studies at the Filmschool in Łódź, where under the supervision of Prof. Józef Robakowski she completed her doctoral thesis entitled “See youˮ. She deals with artistic activity, mainly through realizations based on audiovisual material (
Since 2011 he has been an employee of the Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw, where he conducts classes for students of the Artistic Education.
In 2014 she stayed at an artistic residence in Singapore, where she made an artistic project “Comfort of long-distance perceiving”.
In 2016, as part of the MKiDN scholarship to promote culture, she implemented the project Template – a tool to learn how to use an image (